This option can be used to add pop up ads on your website. These ads will be visible only when the user refresh its screen.
Title: You can add the title.
Link: Enter the URL.
End date: You can add the date when you want to end the specific ad.
Start date: You can add the start date here.
Delay: Specify the number of seconds after which you would like the promotion to appear (Between 3 to 50 seconds).
You can activate the ad by clicking the Active button on the right of the screen.
This pop up will not show on mobile devices. It will show on Desktops, Laptops and tablets.
Only one pop up can be activated at a time. If the specified date range overlaps with another existing active pop up, please change the date range of the other pop up, make it inactive or set a different date range for this pop up.
Each pop up will show to every unique user one-time until it is closed. Once closed, it will not show for a period of 1 day.
Promotion Image:
This Image will show over your website content, users will have the option to close it. [Recommended Size: 700px X 400px]
By clicking select Image you can add the desired image from your device.