Add and update distributors and sales reps to your website from here.
To perform various operations related to this section:
1. Click on Pages in the administrator menu.
2. Select Distributors.
To Add a Distributor
1. Click on Add a Distributor at the bottom of the page.
2. Fill in the details to give a clear description.
Type: Select the type of the distributor, i.e. Sales rep/Distributor/Global Sales
Name: Enter the name of the distributor.
Email Id: Ener the offical email id of the distributor.
Website: Enter the Website address of the distributor. Remember, Website should start with https:// or https://
Telephone and Fax: Enter the distributor contact numbers. Remember to use country codes before the numbers.
Address: Enter the distributor location information.
Logo: Add the logo.
Edit a Distributor
1. Click on the Settings symbol corresponding to the distributors you want to edit.
2. Select Edit and make the required changes.
Delete a Distributor
1. Click on the Settings symbol corresponding to the distributors you want to delete.
2. Click on Delete.
3. A dialog box will appear. Select the delete option.
Manage the Page Title and SEO
This page will give a brief introduction to the customers about your distributors. Fill the columns to give them a clear understanding.
Page Heading: Give the page a suitable title.
Content: Add a general description about your distributors.
Search Engines: Set up the page title, meta description and handle. These help define how this page shows up on search engines.