

Add an Event to your website

1. In the navigation menu click on Pages, then click on Events.

2. You will be directed to a page where you will be able to see all the events that you have added to your website. There will be a button that says 'Add an Event' at the bottom of the page on the left side.

3. A page with a form to add event details will appear.

Title: Enter the name of the event.

Event Type: An event can be a conference, a webinar, a tradeshow or an exhibition.

Website URL: Enter the URL of the event website. The user will be directed to this URL when the event name is clicked.

Booth Number: Enter your booth number at the event.

Description: Write description of the event. The description is not shown in many of the themes. If you do not see the description showing on your website, your theme probably does not support this.

Event Form

Image: You can add the event logo to your website.

Location: Enter the location of event. This field is what will show on your website.

Country: Select the country where the event will be located.

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Dates: Use the date picker to specify a start and end date. The Display Date field is the date that will show on your website. The start and end dates will be used to sort the event by date on your website and move them from upcoming to past once they are over.

Tags: Add relevant tags. These can be used to sort events on your website.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): You can control the meta tag title, description and keywords for each event. These are automatically generated by Buildbot, however you can customize these based on your requirements. You can also control the URL of the event.

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