
View Categories & Manage SEO 

View Categories & Manage SEO 

You can add multiple product categories to your website. Each category can have a set of products under it. You can also add parameters in each category.  

View Product Categories 

In the left panel, click on Products and select All Categories. You can view all the categories. 


Manage Category Title and SEO 

Click on any category, a page will appear. 


Select SEO from top bar.  

A new page will appear. 



Search Engine Optimization (SEO): You can control the meta tag title, description and keywords for each category page. This is automatically generated by Buildbot, however you can customize this based on your requirements. You can also control the URL of the page. 

Search Engine Listing Preview: When writing a news story, you can also edit or manage the SEO listing of the story. 

Click on Edit website SEO. Fill in the form available. 

Metatag Title: Give a title for the page. 

Metatag Description: Provide adequate metatag description for the news story. 

Metatag Keywords: Add important meta tags/keywords for the news story. 

URL: Add the story URL link. 

7. Click on Save in the bottom right corner to add the news to the feed.